Cloud 9 Edibles is a human-centered space for everyone seeking a more connected, effective, and holistic life because healthy communities are made of healthy people. Cloud 9 Edibles was created to be a force for good in a young, but incredibly important, market and industry. By providing customers with a comfortable environment to study and purchase all natural medica materia, we will increase the visibility and ability of companies and organizations taking a responsible, human-centered approach to their products, services, and business models. Our team researches, tests, and curates partner brands that put people first before profit through intent and action. No product reaches our store shelves without being thoroughly tested for quality and efficacy. Every partner brand provides full test documentation and educational materials to support our customers purpose of buying all-natural products to lead a healthier lifestyle.
trust apotheca


Cloud 9 Edibles is focused on providing a safe, comfortable shopping experience for alternative health products When new health products are introduced to the market (or to be more accurate in our case, a reintroduction of old products), there is an opportunity for disreputable companies and salesman to take advantage of uninformed consumers. Cloud 9 Edibles requires testing and educational materials for all products so our customers can shop, purchase, and recommend to others in complete confidence.


We provide extensive materials and team training for all products along with educational talks covering our products. Our intent is to be a transparent and trusted resource for educational materials, information, workshops, and natural products that can replace harmful chemicals and pharmaceutical products. We foresee a future where people return to a more traditional, all natural approach to health, and are working to provide that to our communities today.
cbd educational materials
plants growing


From seed to need, we are using our abilities to enact and support positive change and growth We are careful in selecting the brands and products we carry because we want to support companies on the leading edge of their industries that are also taking a holistic approach to their business. From providing assistance to those in need to helping customers make informed decisions, we recognize our responsibilities and take them seriously.
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